Monday, December 6, 2010

Installing Eclipse Plugins

  • Copy and Paste
    1. extract package
    2. copy the contents of the "features" into the "features" folder of eclipse and copy the contents of the "plugins" into the "plugins" folder of eclipse

  • Using Update Manager (existing Eclipse software site)
    1. click Help->Install New Software...
    2. select the update site of you eclipse' version from the dropdown folder
    3. find the feature you want from the list and install

  • Using Update Manager (new software site)
    1. click Help->Install New Software... and click on Available Software tab
    2. add the download site
    3. select the update/download site from the dropdown
    4. find the feature you want from the list and install
    Drools -

    Some update sites are dependent on the version of eclipse.

  • Using Extension - to separate your plugins from other users
    1. create an extension folder with eclipse folder, e.g. C:\extension\eclipse
    2. copy the features and plugins folder of the plugin inside the eclipse folder (for additional plugins, do the Copy and Paste method above)
    3. open Update Manager and Add Site
    4. in Add Site window, click Local and specify the location of the extension folder, e.g. C:\extension
    5. browse and check the plugin you want to install in the Available Software list and click Install

  • Using Link