Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2016

How to update non modifiable Classpath Variables in Eclipse


  1. Go to Preferences -> Maven -> User Settings
  2. Update User Settings to the location of your Maven settings.xml. The local repository will be automatically updated based on the localRepository configuration in your settings.xml.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Merging in SVN using Eclipse

  1. Do a fresh checkout of the project where you are going to merge into. This is done to ensure that your target branch is up to date.
  2. Right click the project and click Team -> Merge
  3. In URL, browse on the source project
  4. Click Ok
  5. Resolve any conflicts

Sunday, March 6, 2011


  1. Create the package for full release
    1. Check out the Project in Eclipse
      1. Open SVN Repositories. Click Window->Open Perspective->SVN Repository Browser
      2. Assuming that you already have Repository Location set up, find the project in the trunk or branches
      3. Right click project then click Show History to ensure that it has the latest change/fix needed
      4. Tag or make a branch out of the project. Right click project then click New->Tag or Branch
      5. Right click newly created tag/branch then click Show History to ensure that the it has the latest change/fix needed
      6. Check out the newly created tag or branch. Right click project the click Check Out

    2. Build the package
      1. In the console, go to emea-pom of the checked out project
      2. Type
        mvn clean package –DemeaVersion=${currentversion}
      3. After a successful build, go to the emea-release project and copy the whole target folder in a different directory.

  2. Generate the config files/folders of the package
    1. Create a config folder inside the target folder or where the jar is located
    2. Create folders dev, sit, uat and prod inside config folder
    3. Open you FTP Client (e.g. FileZilla) and copy the config files to the newly created folders
      • DEV
      • SIT
      • UAT
      • PROD
    4. Update the ini file with the changes from project and change the VERSION property

  3. Deploy DEV using the exploded jar
    1. In FileZilla, upload/add target/classes/versions to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions
    2. In FileZilla, copy target/config/dev to/ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions/config
    3. On DEV WEBLOGIC, stop and delete previously deployed ear
    4. Open Putty and login to DEV (
    5. Point latest to latest deployed version

      1. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions/biz-rules
      2. Type rm latest
      3. Type ln -s {newversionFolder} latest
      4. Do step 1-3 to config & emea folders as well

    6. On DEV WEBLOGIC, deploy new ear and start
    7. Delete temporary files

      1. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/scripts and type
      2. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/servers/admACCTSVCS
      3. Delete tmp folder. Type rm -rf {folderName}
      4. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/servers/mngACCTSVCS
      5. Delete tmp & stage folder
      6. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/scripts and type

    8. Check server: DEV

  4. Copy package(jar) and config files to SIT (, /home/eis_dev/a_pfdv01/AMSNA

  5. Create JIRA

  6. Finish!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Installing Eclipse Plugins

  • Copy and Paste
    1. extract package
    2. copy the contents of the "features" into the "features" folder of eclipse and copy the contents of the "plugins" into the "plugins" folder of eclipse

  • Using Update Manager (existing Eclipse software site)
    1. click Help->Install New Software...
    2. select the update site of you eclipse' version from the dropdown folder
    3. find the feature you want from the list and install

  • Using Update Manager (new software site)
    1. click Help->Install New Software... and click on Available Software tab
    2. add the download site
    3. select the update/download site from the dropdown
    4. find the feature you want from the list and install
    Drools -

    Some update sites are dependent on the version of eclipse.

  • Using Extension - to separate your plugins from other users
    1. create an extension folder with eclipse folder, e.g. C:\extension\eclipse
    2. copy the features and plugins folder of the plugin inside the eclipse folder (for additional plugins, do the Copy and Paste method above)
    3. open Update Manager and Add Site
    4. in Add Site window, click Local and specify the location of the extension folder, e.g. C:\extension
    5. browse and check the plugin you want to install in the Available Software list and click Install

  • Using Link

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Adding new SVN repository / Check out

SVN must already be installed in your Eclipse before this.

  1. Open 'SVN Repository Exploring' Perspective. On the 'SVN Repositories' View, click on 'New Repository Location' button.
  2. Enter URL, username and password, and finish.
  3. Select the project and right click. Click on 'Find/Check Out As...'
  4. Choose 'Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard' to ensure that the project is check out as an eclipse project (allow setting of build paths)
  5. Proceed and complete the check out.

Getting started with Eclipse Subversive

Getting started:


Sample Installation: (Eclipse Helios)

Install Subversive Plugin using Eclipse update site
1) Help -> Install New Software...
2) In the "Work with" dropdown, select the update site of your eclipse version, e.g Kepler. The available software sites will be listed/displayed.
3) In the list, select Collaboration -> Subversive features then install. At the least, you only need the Subversive SVN Team Provider.

Install Subversive Plugin using SVN update site
1) Help -> Install New Software...
2) In the "Work with" dropdown, select the update site of SVN. If it is not available click "Available Software Sites". On the window that opens, select subversion update locaion. If location is not found, add it. SVN will now appear on the "Work with" dropdown. Select it.
Name: Subversive
3) In the list, select Subversive features then install.

Install Subversive SVN Connectors
1) Restart Eclipse
2) After restart you'll see connectors discovery dialog.
3) Install Subversive Connectors without registering connectors update site manually. -

If the SVN Connectors are not downloaded,
1. make sure you are using a fresh workspace to launch Subversive Connector Discovery upon restart
2. get the latest release from:
Latest Release – Recommended
Help (free book):


Friday, March 5, 2010

Eclipse Pointers / Links

- {object} cannot be resolved in Eclipse

- installing plugins in Eclipse

- SVN Working Copy xxx locked and cleanup failed - Right click on the project then Team -> Cleanup

- setting for debug
SET JAVA_OPTS= -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000
set MEM_ARGS=-Xms32m -Xmx200m
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xverify:none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7919

- display tool/icon for showing method only or all source
Window > Customize Perspective.... > Tool Bar Visibility > Editor Presentation > Show Source of Selected Element Only