Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Custom JSP tags

1) Make sure that the library for tags is in your classpath. servlet-api-2.3.jar supports it.
2) Create the tag class
   public class MyTag extends TagSupport
   public class HelloTag extends SimpleTagSupport
3) Create the tag libray descripto file and put anywhere inside WEB-INF directory
   Ex. WEB-INF/tld/myApp.tld
  <short-name>Example TLD</short-name>
4) Use the tag. You can also set uri in tld and use it as your uri in JSP page.
<%@ taglib prefix="ex" uri="WEB-INF/tld/myApp.tld"%>
    <title>A sample custom tag</title>
    <ex:Hello message="This is custom tag" />

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Merging in SVN using Eclipse

  1. Do a fresh checkout of the project where you are going to merge into. This is done to ensure that your target branch is up to date.
  2. Right click the project and click Team -> Merge
  3. In URL, browse on the source project
  4. Click Ok
  5. Resolve any conflicts