Saturday, May 28, 2016

How to update non modifiable Classpath Variables in Eclipse


  1. Go to Preferences -> Maven -> User Settings
  2. Update User Settings to the location of your Maven settings.xml. The local repository will be automatically updated based on the localRepository configuration in your settings.xml.

Friday, April 29, 2016

How to call a shell script from another shell script

Note: Make sure to add #!/bin/bash to the first line of the script and make it executable through chmod 700 <path to script>.
  1. <path to script> or /bin/bash <path to script> or <scriptname> (add script to $PATH environment variable and call as normal command)
    - child script is executed in a new shell, changes in child script does not affect parent script
    - can be executed asynchronously through background command
  2. <path to script> &
    - same as no. 1 but executes child script on background
  3. source <path to script> or . <path to script>
    - child script is executed in a current shell
    - context is same as parent script (vars and functions of child script becomes visible on parent script)
    - exit call in child script will also exit the parent script
  4. exec <path to script>
    - terminates the current shell and executes on a new shell

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to create Bash Script on Mac

  1. Create the bash script file.
    Sample: File
    #!/bin/bash     #”hash-bang" or “she-bang" indicating that this script is to be interpreted and run by the bash shell
    echo hello world     #prints “hello world”
  2. Change the file permission to make it an executable. Open the terminal, navigate to the location of the file and type the following command:
    chmod 700 
    See this link for more info on chmod:
  3. Run the script. Type the following in the terminal: