Showing posts with label Technologies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technologies. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Object Oriented Javascript

Object Constructor
function Cat(name) { = name; = function() {
     alert( + " say meeow!" )

Creating Objects
  • using constructor of defined object
    myCat = new Cat("Kuting");
  • using new Object()
    person = new Object() = "Bel" = function() {
      this.state = "running"
      alert( + " is running!" )
  • using literal notation
    person = {
       name : "Bel",
       siblings : ["Ana", "Marie"],
       run : function(){this.state = "running"; alert( + " is running!" )}
Prototyping - attaching a method to an object
Cat.prototype.changeName = function(name) { = name;


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Javascipt Basics


Getting started with Ext JS

Ext JS is a client-side, JavaScript framework for building web applications.
  1. Download most current Ext JS release
  2. Set the URL of s.gif
    Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '/images/ext/resources/images/default/s.gif';


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Web Server, Web Container & Application Server

A Web Server is a server capable of receiving HTTP requests, interpreting them, processing the corresponding HTTP Responses and sending them to the appropriate clients (Web Browsers).
Example: Apache Web Server

A Web Container, also called Servlet container or Servlet engine, is a J2EE compliant implementation which provides an environment for the Servlets and JSPs to run. Putting it differently we can say that a Web Container is combination of a Servlet Engine and a JSP Engine. If an HTTP Request refers to a Web Component (typically a Servlet or a JSP) then the request is forwarded to the Web Container and the result of the request is sent back to Web Server, which uses that result to prepare the HTTP Response for the particular HTTP Request.
Example: Tomcat is a typical Web Container. A typical setup would be to have Apache HTTP Server as the Web Server and Tomcat as the Web Container.
Illustration: Servlet Container = Web Server + Servlets/JSPs (dynamic response generation)

An Application Server is a complete server, which provides an environment for running the business components (EJBs, ADF BCs, etc.) in addition to providing the capabilities of a Web Container as well as of a Web Server.
Example: Bea WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Oracle Application Server, etc.
Illustration: Application Server = Web Server + Servlets/JSPs + Business component (EJB)

- copied from

Sunday, September 12, 2010


JavaServer Pages (JSP) - is the standard presentation-layer technology for the J2EE platform.

JSP scripting elements:
  • expressions
    - form: <%= javaExpression %>
    - ex: date = <%= new java.util.Date() %>
    - xml syntax: <jsp:expression>javaExpression</jsp:expression>
  • scriptlets
    - form: <% code %>
    - xml syntax: <jsp:scriplet>code</jsp:scriplet>
  • declarations
    - form: <!% code %>
    - xml syntax: <jsp:declaration>code</jsp:declaration>
  • JSP Comment - <%-- JSP Comment --%>
  • HTML Comment - <!-- HTML Comment -->
Predefined vars: request, response, session, out, application, config, pageContext and page


JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) - is a collection of standard custom tag libraries that implement basic functionality common to a wide range of server-side Java applications.

Expression Language (EL) - is a simplified form for JSP expression
- syntax: ${elExpression}


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Initialization of list/map in one line

ArrayList places = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("Buenos Aires", "Córdoba", "La Plata"));

ArrayList list = new ArrayList() {{


Map m = new HashMap() {
put(".jpg", "image/jpeg");
put(".jpeg", "image/jpeg");

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Java Concurrency/Threads

Process vs Thread
Process - is a running program that runs independently from other processes. It has its own address space and cannot directly access resources of other processes. Each process can have one or more threads.

Thread - is sometimes called lightweight process. Both processes and threads provide an execution environment, but creating a new thread requires fewer resources than creating a new process. Threads share the process's resources, including memory and open files.

2 ways to define a Thread:
  1. implement Runnable interface
    - more general, can have many superclass
    - starting: (new Thread(new HelloRunnable())).start();
  2. extend Thread class (Thread class itself implements Runnable)
    - simpler but limited
    - starting: (new HelloThread()).start();

Thread methods:
  • public void run() - the only method coming from Runnable
  • public void start() - calls the run() method, can only be called once
  • public static void sleep(long millis)/(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException - suspend execution for a specified period
    - time is not guaranteed
    - can be interrupted
  • public void interrupt() - indicates that thread should stop
  • public static boolean interrupted() - interrupted status is cleared
  • public boolean isInterrupted() - has no effect on interrupted status
  • public final void stop()/suspend()/resume() - deprecated



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Using Resource Bundle

ResourceBundle is a class used for containing locale-specific data. A Locale defines the user's environment particularly its language and region. A certain number in one locale may be written differently in another. Likewise, a label of a "Cancel" button may differ in different locales. Using ResourceBundle will allow you to handle these different locales without having to hard-code the locale-specific data.

Sample of retrieving locale-specific data
list of resource bundles:

selecting the locale-specific ButtonLabel resource bundle:
Locale currentLocale = new Locale("fr", "CA", "UNIX");
ResourceBundle introLabels =
ResourceBundle.getBundle("ButtonLabel", currentLocale);

2 Types of ResourceBundle
  1. PropertyResourceBundle - uses a properties file to contain the key-value pairs. The value can only be a String.

    properties files for 3 resource bundles:

    resource bundle sample content:
    # This is the file
    s1 = Computer
    s2 = Platte
    s3 = Monitor
    s4 = Tastatur

    use of resource bundle sample:
    Locale[] supportedLocales = {

    for (int i = 0; i < supportedLocales.length; i ++) {
    ResourceBundle labels =

    String value = labels.getString(key);
    Enumeration bundleKeys = labels.getKeys();
    while (bundleKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String key = (String)bundleKeys.nextElement();
    String value = labels.getString(key);

  2. ListResourceBundle - uses a list to contain the key-value pairs. The value can be any object.

    3 resource bundles:

    resource bundle sample:
    import java.util.*;
    public class StatsBundle_ja_JP extends ListResourceBundle {
    public Object[][] getContents() {
    return contents;
    private Object[][] contents = {
    { "GDP", new Integer(21300) },
    { "Population", new Integer(125449703) },
    { "Literacy", new Double(0.99) },

    use of resource bundle sample:
    Locale[] supportedLocales = {
    new Locale("en","CA"),
    new Locale("ja","JP"),
    new Locale("fr","FR")

    for (int i = 0; i < supportedLocales.length; i ++) {
    ResourceBundle stats =

    Integer gdp = (Integer)stats.getObject("GDP");

- things to check/consider when internationalizing:
- numbers, dates, times, or currencies need not be isolated in a ResourceBundle because only the display format of these objects varies with Locale, the objects themselves do not
- it is better to have multiple ResourceBundle by determining related objects and grouping them together
- ResourceBundle.Control class provides a way to control the instantiation and location of resource bundles. You can override its methods to behave differently.
- list of language codes (ISO-639):
- list of country codes (ISO-3166):


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Java Exceptions

Exception Objects
'-> Error
'-> AnnotationFormatError
'-> AssertionError
'-> IOError
'-> ThreadDeath
'-> ...
'-> Exception
'-> RuntimeException
'-> ArithmeticException
'-> ArrayStoreException
'-> ClassCastException
'-> ConcurrentModificationException
'-> IndexOutOfBoundsException
'-> NullPointerException
'-> ...
'-> ClassNotFoundException
'-> CloneNotSupportedException
'-> InterruptedException
'-> IOException
'-> NoSuchMethodException
'-> ...

Kinds of Exceptions
  1. checked - all exceptions that are not RuntimeException
  2. unchecked
    - Error
    - RuntimeException

- finally is always executed even if there is a change of control flow like when there is a return statement in try
- can you catch runtime exception? yes, you can catch any Throwable type but since the cost of checking for runtime exceptions exceeds the benefit of catching or specifying them, the compiler does not require that you catch them
- for readable code, it's good practice to append the string Exception to the names of all classes that inherit (directly or indirectly) from the Exception class
- what to use when creating your own exception: If a client can reasonably be expected to recover from an exception, make it a checked exception. If a client cannot do anything to recover from the exception, make it an unchecked exception.


Synchronized & Unsynchronized Objects


Monday, March 22, 2010

Setting the CLASSPATH Sys Var

To display the current CLASSPATH variable, use these commands in Windows and Unix (Bourne shell):
In Windows:   C:\> set CLASSPATH
In Unix: % echo $CLASSPATH
To delete the current contents of the CLASSPATH variable, use these commands:
In Windows:   C:\> set CLASSPATH=
In Unix: % unset CLASSPATH; export CLASSPATH
To set the CLASSPATH variable, use these commands (for example):
In Windows:   C:\> set CLASSPATH=C:\users\george\java\classes
In Unix: % CLASSPATH=/home/george/java/classes; export CLASSPATH


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Declaring Constants

I was contemplating for the best way to declare constants in Java and found that there are several ways to do it. The best article I saw regading this topic is here. It helped me decide clearly as to what I should use plus, one of the comments discussed a very interesting information about inlining constants w/c I will also explain later on this blog.

First, I would like to eradicate suggestions/questions that might come up:

Why not use enums? I am referring here to constants that are not related and may even be of different types so enum is not a good choice.

If these constants are not related, why bother grouping them? This is sometimes necessary because there are constants that belong to the same functionality but are not related to each other. You may also want to group constants shared by different classes, more like global constants. These constants do not belong naturally to a certain class so it needs to be grouped somewhere else.

Why not put constants in the class that they are most related to? Aside from the explanation above, this would also lead to dependencies between classes and the constants will clutter. It's always easier to update just one class or few classes.

So what are the options now?

Interface for Constants
- cleaner/shorter code because you can define constants without the public static final keywords since they are implicitly public static final
- a class implementing this can refer to the constants without a qualifying class name
- this is not what interface is designed for. Interface is supposed to specify a contract for its services, not to handle data.
- using constant without a qualifying class name can make code more difficult to understand and maintain
- interfaces promotes constants to the API of the class which means that if MyClass implements MyConstantInterface, you can use MyClass.SAMPLE_CONSTANT instead of MyConstantInterface.SAMPLE_CONSTANT. This breaks inheritance and your Javadoc will be full of repeating constants.

Class for Constants with private constructor
- cannot be instantiated and cannot be subclassed like interfaces
- the use of qualifying name can add to the readability of the code
- long name, constants are referred using static references like MyConstantClass.SAMPLE_CONSTANT

static import
- allow referring to constants without a qualifying class name
- can make code more difficult to understand and maintain

You may choose one over another depending on what you need or what is more convenient for you, but for me the best approach is to use class with private constructor. This will avoid all the disadvantages of using an interface. If you still want to use interfaces because of the shorter name reference for constants, you must use static import of a constant class instead. However, this must be taken with precaution. Use it only if you need frequent access of constants from one or very few classes only. Otherwise, readers of your code may get confused as to where a constant comes from.

Now, is there anything else that can do better? Apparently, according to Kevin Riff, there is. When a field is (1)of type primitive or String, (2)declared final, and (3)was initialized upon declaration, it is called "compile-time constant" and it is in-lined in the consumer classes. This means that all reference of this constant is replaced with its actual value at compile time. So if you change the value of a constant, you must recompile not only the containing class but all its consumer classes in order to update the value of the constant.

What is the solution for this? Using a properties file could be considered but if you really need to hard-code your constants in a Java file, you must prevent your constants to be in-line like this,
public class MyLibrary { 
public static final String VERSION; // blank final
static {
VERSION = "1.0"; // initialized separately

The code would seem odd so don't forget to add comments explaining what's going on.

Personally, I might not apply this design because it makes the code look odd and somehow ugly. I would rather recompile all affected classes. It happens to almost any class anyway that when you make a change on it, there will be some affected classes that must be recompiled too.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Java Generics

  • introduced in J2SE 5.0
  • adds robustness/stability on code by making more bugs detectable at compile time
  • normal way can cause runtime ClassCastException
    public class Box {
        private Object object;
        public void add(Object object) {
            this.object = object;
        public Object get() {
            return object;
        Box integerBox = new Box();
        integerBox.add("10"); // note how the type is now String
        Integer someInteger = (Integer)integerBox.get();

  • sample generic version with type variable T
    public class Box {
    private T t; // T stands for "Type"      
    public void add(T t) {
        this.t = t;
    public T get() {
        return t;
        Box integerBox = new Box();
        integerBox.add(new Integer(10));
        Integer someInteger = integerBox.get(); // no cast!

  • generic method/constructor
    public static <U> void fillBoxes(U u, List<Box<U>> boxes) {
    for (Box<U> box : boxes) {
    Crayon red = ...;
    List<Box<Crayon>> crayonBoxes = ...;
    // normal way
    Box.<Crayon>fillBoxes(red, crayonBoxes);
    // with type inference
    Box.fillBoxes(red, crayonBoxes); // compiler infers that U is Crayon

  • Bounded Parameter types -> when variables are restricted to certain types, upper bound only
    <U extends Number & MyInterface> // uses extend for both classes & interfaces
  • Unknown type/wilcard bounds -> represented by wildcard character "?"

    3 different flavors of wildcards:
    • " ? " - the unbounded wildcard. It stands for the family of all types.
    • " ? extends Type " - a wildcard with an upper bound. It stands for the family of all types that are subtypes of Type , type Type being included.
    • " ? super Type " - a wildcard with a lower bound. It stands for the family of all types that are supertypes of Type , type Type being included.
    // Box<Integer> and Box<Double> are not subtypes of Box<Number>
    Box<Number> box = new Box<Integer>(); // compile-time error
    // Box<Integer> and Box<Double> are subtypes of Box<? extends Number>
    Box<? extends Number> box = new Box<Integer>(); // ok
    Integer i = new Integer(1);
    Number n = i;
    // compile-time error
    // Integer is not '? extends Number'
    // we are not sure that the instance type of Box is Integer, so we cannot add i
    // compile-time error
    // Number is not '? extends Number'
    // we are sure that the type of Box extends a Number but we are not sure of the 
    //     instance type of n, so we cannot add n
    // what if runtime type of Box is Box<Double> but n is Integer
    // compile-time error
    // we are not sure that the type of Box is an Integer
    Integer i2 = box.get();
    // we are sure that the type of Box is always extends a Number
    Number n2 = box.get(); // ok
    // sample using upperbound & lowerbound wildcards
    public class Collections {
    public static <T> void copy
    ( List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src) {  // bounded wildcard parameterized types
       for (int i=0; i<src.size(); i++)

  • Type Erasure -> when generic types are instantiated, all generic information are removed leaving only the raw type. Box becomes Box only.
    public class MyClass {
        public static void myMethod(Object item) {
            if (item instanceof E) {  //Compiler error
            E item2 = new E();   //Compiler error
            E[] iArray = new E[10]; //Compiler error
            E obj = (E)new Object(); //Unchecked cast warning


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Java Inheritance

  • Variables

    Kinds of variables base on scope: local, instance, class

    Hiding/Shadowing Variables
    - redeclaring a variable that’s already been declared somewhere else. The closest scope is used when you refer it through simple name.

    1) local var hides instance var
    - use this to access the instance var

    2) instance var hides inherited var
    - use or cast the object to its super class, with the syntax ((Superclass)object).name
    - when the variable is accessed thru the object containing it, the variable used depends on the type the object it was declared with or casted to, not the runtime type of the object.

  • Methods

    - same name, diff arguments, return type doesn't matter

    - same signature (method name + arguments), same return type diff classes
    - instance to instance method only

    - static to static only
    - when the method is called thru the object containing it, the method used depends on the type the object it was declared with or casted to, not the runtime type of the object.

    Not allowed in methods but allowed in variables/fields:
    - static to non-static or vice versa
    - narrowing visibility
    - different return type (but same signature/name) -> compile error in methods

  • Object
    - implicit superclass of all classes
    - must be overridden in objects -> equals(), hashCode(), toString()

    clone() method
    -protected|public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
    - aCloneableObject must implemenet Cloneable interface
    - default behavior of Object's clone() -> creates an object of the same class as the original object and initializes the new object's member variables. But if a member variable is an external object, say ObjExternal, ObjExternal is not cloned but shared. A change in ObjExternal made by one object will be visible in its clone also.

    equals() method
    - uses ==
    - if overridden, u must override hashCode() too. If two objects are equal, their hash code must also be equal.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
       if (obj instanceof Book)
           return ISBN.equals((Book)obj.getISBN());
           return false;
  • Abstract vs Interface
    - when to use one over the other:
    General rule is if you are creating something that provides common functionality to unrelated classes, use an interface. If you are creating something for objects that are closely related in a hierarchy, use an abstract class.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weblogic 9 setup

  • Create domain directory

    1. Go to {weblogic.dir}\weblogic92\common\bin and run config.cmd
    2. Select Create a new Weblogic domain
    3. Select the source (automatic or with template)
    4. Input admin username and password
    5. Choose startup mode and JDK. Use JRocket for JDK.
    6. Enter domain name & location and click Create
    7. Check Start Admin Server and click Done

  • Change port number

    1. Go to http://{hostname/localhost}:7001/console and login
    2. Navigate to {domain name}->Environment-Servers. Select AdminServer(admin)
    3. Change the Listen Port and save changes.,/li>
    4. Activate changes

  • Add the db2jcc jars for the DB2 driver classes

    1. Go to your DB2 installation or <sqllib_home>\java directory
    2. Copy the following jars to your <weblogic_domain>\lib directory:
      • db2jcc.jar
      • db2jcc_license_cu.jar
      • db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar
    3. Restart server
  • Add JDBC Data Source

    1. Navigate to {domain name}->Services->JDBC->Data Sources. Add new data source.
    2. Set Data Source properties and click Next
      Name: db2Pool
      JNDI Name: db2Pool
      Database Type: DB2
      Database Driver: IBM's DB2 Driver(Type 2)
    3. Select transaction options (use defaults)
    4. Set connection properties and click Next
      Database Name: db2test
      Host Name: 
      Database User Name: coreusrt
    5. Test Database Connection. Update the following:
      Driver Class Name:
      URL: jdbc:db2://
      click Test Configuration and Next
    6. Select the server and click Finish
    7. Activate changes

  • Deploy Web App
    Note: Make sure that the WEB-INF/lib of the webapp contains all needed lib (ex. by copy.runtime.lib)

    1. Navigate to {domain name}->Deployments. Click Install
    2. Select the path of your application root directory (webapp directory). Click Next
    3. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next
    4. Set settings (use default) and click Next
    5. Review choices and click Finish
    6. Activate changes
    7. Navigate back to {domain name}->Deployments. Select webapp and click Start servicing all requests. Start deployment

  • Finish! You may now go to your webapp.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Java Annotations

  • provides data about a program but do not directly affect the program semantics

  • defined similar to interface
    @interface Author {
    String author();
    String date();
    String[] reviewers(); // Note use of array

  • sample use:
    name = "Benjamin Franklin",
    date = "3/27/2003",
    reviewers = {"Alice", "Bob", "Cindy"} // Note array notation
    class MyClass() { }

3 Predefined Annotation Types:
1) @Deprecated - should also be documented using the Javadoc @deprecated tag
* @deprecated
* explanation of why it was deprecated

2) @Override

3) @SuppressWarnings
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") //deprecation warning - suppressed
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation"}) // legacy code & deprecation warning - suppressed

Detailed explanation here:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Java Enum Type

How do you represent enumerated constants in your java code? It probably will look something like this:
public static final int STATUS_ACTIVE = 0;
public static final int STATUS_PENDING = 1;
public static final int STATUS_CLOSED = 2;

This way of representation poses some problems. So in Java 5.0 Enum Type is introduced. Now you can write your code as,
public enum Status { ACTIVE, PENDING, CLOSED }
and refer to it by Status.ACTIVE, Status.PENDING and Status.CLOSED. The reserved word enum is used like class.

The links below are some discussions on what, how and when they should be used.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Java nested classes

I usually get confused with nested classes so I'll note some important points here.

Nested classes
- is also a member of enclosing class like variables and methods
- can use all access modifiers like variables and methods

Types of nested classes
1) static
- like a static method, it is not associated to any instance of enclosing class and has access only to all the static members
- syntax: Outer.Inner i = new Outer.Inner();

2) non-static / inner
- has access to other members of enclosing class even if declared private
- like non-static methods, it cannot define any static members as static members only belong to the (outer) class
- syntax: Outer.Inner i = new Outer().new Inner();

3) local inner - declared and known only within the body of method/block

4) anonymous inner - no name and known only within the statement in w/c they are defined

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Java modifiers summary

ModifierClassInterfaceInner ClassInner InterfaceVariableMethodConstructorFree-Floating Block
none or package or defaultyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes

  • all access modifiers can be used to classes and members except for protected and private which cannot be used to outer classes and interfaces

  • free-floating block cannot have access modifiers. it can only use static or synchronized

  • constructors can only use access modifiers and strictfp

  • native is only for methods

  • transient and volatile are only for variables. Transient indicates that it is not serializable. Volatile indicates that it can be modified simultaneously by many threads.

  • synchronized can only be used on methods or free-floating blocks

  • strictfp can't be used on variables or free-floating blocks

    Using strictfp ensures that you get the same result of floating-point expressions across multiple platforms. But it may also result to overflow or underflow hence the expression, "Write-Once-Get-Equally-Wrong-Results-Everywhere". If you don't use strictfp, JVM can calculate floating-point expressions however it want and thus could produce more accurate results.