Showing posts with label Weblogic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weblogic. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2011


  1. Create the package for full release
    1. Check out the Project in Eclipse
      1. Open SVN Repositories. Click Window->Open Perspective->SVN Repository Browser
      2. Assuming that you already have Repository Location set up, find the project in the trunk or branches
      3. Right click project then click Show History to ensure that it has the latest change/fix needed
      4. Tag or make a branch out of the project. Right click project then click New->Tag or Branch
      5. Right click newly created tag/branch then click Show History to ensure that the it has the latest change/fix needed
      6. Check out the newly created tag or branch. Right click project the click Check Out

    2. Build the package
      1. In the console, go to emea-pom of the checked out project
      2. Type
        mvn clean package –DemeaVersion=${currentversion}
      3. After a successful build, go to the emea-release project and copy the whole target folder in a different directory.

  2. Generate the config files/folders of the package
    1. Create a config folder inside the target folder or where the jar is located
    2. Create folders dev, sit, uat and prod inside config folder
    3. Open you FTP Client (e.g. FileZilla) and copy the config files to the newly created folders
      • DEV
      • SIT
      • UAT
      • PROD
    4. Update the ini file with the changes from project and change the VERSION property

  3. Deploy DEV using the exploded jar
    1. In FileZilla, upload/add target/classes/versions to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions
    2. In FileZilla, copy target/config/dev to/ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions/config
    3. On DEV WEBLOGIC, stop and delete previously deployed ear
    4. Open Putty and login to DEV (
    5. Point latest to latest deployed version

      1. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions/biz-rules
      2. Type rm latest
      3. Type ln -s {newversionFolder} latest
      4. Do step 1-3 to config & emea folders as well

    6. On DEV WEBLOGIC, deploy new ear and start
    7. Delete temporary files

      1. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/scripts and type
      2. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/servers/admACCTSVCS
      3. Delete tmp folder. Type rm -rf {folderName}
      4. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/servers/mngACCTSVCS
      5. Delete tmp & stage folder
      6. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/scripts and type

    8. Check server: DEV

  4. Copy package(jar) and config files to SIT (, /home/eis_dev/a_pfdv01/AMSNA

  5. Create JIRA

  6. Finish!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weblogic 9 setup

  • Create domain directory

    1. Go to {weblogic.dir}\weblogic92\common\bin and run config.cmd
    2. Select Create a new Weblogic domain
    3. Select the source (automatic or with template)
    4. Input admin username and password
    5. Choose startup mode and JDK. Use JRocket for JDK.
    6. Enter domain name & location and click Create
    7. Check Start Admin Server and click Done

  • Change port number

    1. Go to http://{hostname/localhost}:7001/console and login
    2. Navigate to {domain name}->Environment-Servers. Select AdminServer(admin)
    3. Change the Listen Port and save changes.,/li>
    4. Activate changes

  • Add the db2jcc jars for the DB2 driver classes

    1. Go to your DB2 installation or <sqllib_home>\java directory
    2. Copy the following jars to your <weblogic_domain>\lib directory:
      • db2jcc.jar
      • db2jcc_license_cu.jar
      • db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar
    3. Restart server
  • Add JDBC Data Source

    1. Navigate to {domain name}->Services->JDBC->Data Sources. Add new data source.
    2. Set Data Source properties and click Next
      Name: db2Pool
      JNDI Name: db2Pool
      Database Type: DB2
      Database Driver: IBM's DB2 Driver(Type 2)
    3. Select transaction options (use defaults)
    4. Set connection properties and click Next
      Database Name: db2test
      Host Name: 
      Database User Name: coreusrt
    5. Test Database Connection. Update the following:
      Driver Class Name:
      URL: jdbc:db2://
      click Test Configuration and Next
    6. Select the server and click Finish
    7. Activate changes

  • Deploy Web App
    Note: Make sure that the WEB-INF/lib of the webapp contains all needed lib (ex. by copy.runtime.lib)

    1. Navigate to {domain name}->Deployments. Click Install
    2. Select the path of your application root directory (webapp directory). Click Next
    3. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next
    4. Set settings (use default) and click Next
    5. Review choices and click Finish
    6. Activate changes
    7. Navigate back to {domain name}->Deployments. Select webapp and click Start servicing all requests. Start deployment

  • Finish! You may now go to your webapp.