Showing posts with label Application Server. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Application Server. Show all posts

Saturday, April 12, 2014

GlassFish Basics

- default domain created during installation of GlassFish
- {glassfish.dir}/glassfish/domains/domain1

Start/stop of server
- in {glassfish.dir}/bin run command: asadmin start-domain or asadmin stop-domain

- http://localhost:4848/

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Getting Started with Apache Tomcat


  • compatible JDK


  1. Download Tomcat at
  2. Install Tomcat.
    Complete Intructions: see RUNNING.txt
    Environment variables to set:
    CATALINA_HOME - location of root directory of Tomcat bin
         - Ex. CATALINA_HOME=C:\Apps\apache-tomcat-6.0.37
    CATALINA_BASE - location of active Tomcat, defaults to CATALINA_HOME
    JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME - If both JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME are specified, JRE_HOME is used.
         - Ex. JAVA_HOME=C:\Apps\Java\jdk150_15
  3. sdas

Sunday, June 2, 2013

SSL and certificates


  • SSL (Secure Socket Layer) - a security protocol that ensures secure transaction/connection between a server and a client
  • https - beginning of an SSL-secured website/URL
  • SSL Certificate - a small data file that establishes encrypted connection. It contains a key pair, a public and private key, and the subject identifying the certificate. Typically an SSL Certificate will contain your domain name, your company name, your address, your city, your state and your country. It will also contain the expiration date of the Certificate and details of the Certification Authority responsible for the issuance of the Certificate.
  • Certificate Authority or CA - the SSL Certificate issuer. It researches companies, checks references, assures identity and encrypts data to and from servers. 
  • certificate chain - a series of intermediate certificates
  • public, private, and session keys - anything encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key, and vice versa. After the secure connection is made, the session key is used to encrypt all transmitted data. 

Server Setup: (

  1. In order for a server to handle SSL connections, it must activate SSL.
  2. Server will be prompted several question about identity of website or organization.
  3. Server generates the CSR (Certificate Signing Request). It contains the private key and a CSR data file.
  4. The CA uses the CSR data file to create a public key to match the private key.
  5. CA sends the SSL certificate.
  6. Server installs the SSL certificate. (

How it works:
  1. Browser connects to a web server secured with SSL (https). Browser requests that the server identify itself.
  2. Server sends a copy of its SSL Certificate (including the server’s public key), to assure the client that it can be trusted. The SSL Certficate was purchased from CA.
  3. Browser checks the certificate root against a list of trusted CAs and that the certificate is unexpired, unrevoked, and that its common name is valid for the website that it is connecting to. If the browser trusts the certificate, it creates, encrypts, and sends back a symmetric session key using the server’s public key. --- "SSL handshake"  
  4. Server decrypts the symmetric session key using its private key and sends back an acknowledgement encrypted with the session key to start the encrypted session.
  5. Server and Browser now encrypt all transmitted data with the session key.


  • the default password is changeit
  • list certificates
    keytool -list -v -keystore [cacert location], ex. keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts.jks
  • list certificates to a text file
    keytool -list -v -keystore [cacert location] > [text file path]
    keytool -list -v -keystore "C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre6/lib/security/cacerts" > java_cacerts.txt
  • delete certificate (used when certificate is expired)
    keytool -delete -v -alias [alias] -keystore [cacert location], ex. keytool -delete -v -alias [alias] -keystore cacerts.jks
  • add certificate to cacert
    keytool -import -alias [alias name] -keystore  [cacert location] -file [cert to add path]
    keytool -import -alias Verisign -keystore  "C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre6/lib/security/cacerts" -file C:/bel/docs/certs/Verisign.cer


Thursday, February 7, 2013

JBoss Drools

JBoss/JBoss AS (JavaBeans Open Source Software Application Server)

- now has a new name WildFly
- is a J2EE platform for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web applications and services, and portals

Drools/JBoss Rules

- a rule language
- case sensitive
- single line comments starts with # or //, multi-line comments are enclosed in /* and */

Rule file - file ending with .drl


- is a flexible java Business Process Management (BPM) Suite
BPM makes the bridge between business analysts, developers and end users, by offering process management features and tools in a way that both business users and developers like it

Components of jBPM

  • core process engine - the only required component
    • history log
    • human task service
  • graphical editors
    • eclipse plugin
    • web-based designer
  • Guvnor respository - can store all business processes
  • jBPM console - web-based console for managinf business processes


knowledge base
   - used to look up the process definitions whenever necessary
   - uses a knowledge builder to load processes from various resources (for example from the classpath, from file system or process repository), i.e.
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource("ruleflow.rf"), ResourceType.DRF);
   - can be dynamically changed (so you can add or remove processes at runtime)
   - instantiated from knowledge base and are used to execute processes and interact with the engine

Structure of a Rule File:

package package-name - must always be the first element
imports - optional, order does not matter
globals - optional, order does not matter, define global vars
functions - optional, order does not matter
function String hello(String name) {
    return "Hello "+name+"!";

queries - optional, order does not matter
rules - optional, order does not matter
rule "name"

Common rule attributes: 

salience - priority, higher salience values are given higher priority, default is 0, can be positive or negative
agenda-group - a group name, only rules in the agenda group that has acquired the focus are allowed to fire
activation-group - same as if else, only one will fire


Sunday, March 6, 2011


  1. Create the package for full release
    1. Check out the Project in Eclipse
      1. Open SVN Repositories. Click Window->Open Perspective->SVN Repository Browser
      2. Assuming that you already have Repository Location set up, find the project in the trunk or branches
      3. Right click project then click Show History to ensure that it has the latest change/fix needed
      4. Tag or make a branch out of the project. Right click project then click New->Tag or Branch
      5. Right click newly created tag/branch then click Show History to ensure that the it has the latest change/fix needed
      6. Check out the newly created tag or branch. Right click project the click Check Out

    2. Build the package
      1. In the console, go to emea-pom of the checked out project
      2. Type
        mvn clean package –DemeaVersion=${currentversion}
      3. After a successful build, go to the emea-release project and copy the whole target folder in a different directory.

  2. Generate the config files/folders of the package
    1. Create a config folder inside the target folder or where the jar is located
    2. Create folders dev, sit, uat and prod inside config folder
    3. Open you FTP Client (e.g. FileZilla) and copy the config files to the newly created folders
      • DEV
      • SIT
      • UAT
      • PROD
    4. Update the ini file with the changes from project and change the VERSION property

  3. Deploy DEV using the exploded jar
    1. In FileZilla, upload/add target/classes/versions to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions
    2. In FileZilla, copy target/config/dev to/ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions/config
    3. On DEV WEBLOGIC, stop and delete previously deployed ear
    4. Open Putty and login to DEV (
    5. Point latest to latest deployed version

      1. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/versions/biz-rules
      2. Type rm latest
      3. Type ln -s {newversionFolder} latest
      4. Do step 1-3 to config & emea folders as well

    6. On DEV WEBLOGIC, deploy new ear and start
    7. Delete temporary files

      1. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/scripts and type
      2. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/servers/admACCTSVCS
      3. Delete tmp folder. Type rm -rf {folderName}
      4. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/servers/mngACCTSVCS
      5. Delete tmp & stage folder
      6. Go to /ams/domains/ACCTSVCS102/scripts and type

    8. Check server: DEV

  4. Copy package(jar) and config files to SIT (, /home/eis_dev/a_pfdv01/AMSNA

  5. Create JIRA

  6. Finish!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Web Server, Web Container & Application Server

A Web Server is a server capable of receiving HTTP requests, interpreting them, processing the corresponding HTTP Responses and sending them to the appropriate clients (Web Browsers).
Example: Apache Web Server

A Web Container, also called Servlet container or Servlet engine, is a J2EE compliant implementation which provides an environment for the Servlets and JSPs to run. Putting it differently we can say that a Web Container is combination of a Servlet Engine and a JSP Engine. If an HTTP Request refers to a Web Component (typically a Servlet or a JSP) then the request is forwarded to the Web Container and the result of the request is sent back to Web Server, which uses that result to prepare the HTTP Response for the particular HTTP Request.
Example: Tomcat is a typical Web Container. A typical setup would be to have Apache HTTP Server as the Web Server and Tomcat as the Web Container.
Illustration: Servlet Container = Web Server + Servlets/JSPs (dynamic response generation)

An Application Server is a complete server, which provides an environment for running the business components (EJBs, ADF BCs, etc.) in addition to providing the capabilities of a Web Container as well as of a Web Server.
Example: Bea WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Oracle Application Server, etc.
Illustration: Application Server = Web Server + Servlets/JSPs + Business component (EJB)

- copied from